Admissions Outcomes

See our 2024 admissions outcomes by downloading the PDF below.

For over 10 years Tokyo Academics has helped thousands of students gain admission to top universities all around the world.

US Universities

Harvard University

Stanford University

Columbia University

Princeton University

Yale University

Cornell University

Brown University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Georgetown University School of Foreign Services

University of California

Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles

University of Washington, St. Louis

University of Chicago

Duke University

Northwestern University

The Juilliard School

University of Southern California

Barnard University

New York University Stern School of Business

Tufts University

Vanderbilt University

John Hopkins University

Carnegie Mellon University

Northeastern University

University of Notre Dame

University of Michigan

UK Universities

Cambridge University

University College London

London School of Economics

St. Andrews University

Canadian Universities

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

McGill University

Japanese Universities

Keio University PEARL Program

Keio University GIGA Program

Waseda University SILS Program

Waseda University JCulP Program

Sophia University

Boarding Schools

Phillips Academy Andover

Phillips Exeter Academy

Tabor Academy

The Lawrenceville Academy

Taft School

The Webb Schools

Choate School

Cate School

Iolani School

Ready to get started?

Complete our contact form by following the link below or contact us directly.
Email  or give us a call at 050-6868-2121

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Enroll today and make this summer count!