Jul 24

10 College Essay Tips to Craft a Standout Essay

By Cordelia Jin

Table of Contents

Amidst the sea of competitive applications flooding admissions offices every year, the application essay stands out as an increasingly critical component. A well-written essay not only gives you an opportunity to provide context to your grades and extracurricular activities but also demonstrates your ability to think critically and express your thoughts with clarity. In a landscape filled with high-performing applicants, the essay goes beyond numbers and qualifications to paint a unique portrait of who you are.

In this article, we offer 10 tips for writing a college application essay that effectively tells your unique story:

1. Choose a Topic That Is Meaningful to You

Pick a topic that holds personal significance. This ensures your essay reflects your true self, passions, and aspirations. Writing about something you care about will make your narrative more engaging and authentic.

Example Topics:

  • A Personal Challenge You Overcame: Describe a difficult situation you faced and how you overcame it. This could be a personal struggle, a family issue, or an academic challenge. Explain what you learned from the experience and how it shaped who you are today.

  • A Passion or Hobby: Write about a hobby or activity that you are passionate about. This could be anything from playing a musical instrument, participating in a sport, volunteering, or engaging in a creative pursuit like painting or writing. Discuss how this passion has influenced your life and personal growth.

  • A Significant Experience or Moment: Reflect on a significant moment or experience in your life. This could be a cultural exchange, a meaningful travel experience, or a moment when you had a realization about your future goals. Explain why this moment was important and how it has impacted your perspective.

  • A Role Model or Influential Person: Write about someone who has had a significant impact on your life. This could be a family member, teacher, mentor, or public figure. Discuss how this person has influenced your values, goals, and aspirations.

  • A Community or Group You Are Part Of: Describe your involvement in a community or group that is important to you. This could be a religious community, a school club, a sports team, or a volunteer organization. Explain how this community has shaped your identity and contributed to your personal development.

  • A Personal Interest or Career Goal: Share your aspirations for the future and the steps you have taken to pursue them. This could involve your interest in a particular field of study, a career goal, or a project you have undertaken to advance your knowledge and skills. Discuss why this goal is important to you and how you plan to achieve it.

By choosing a topic that is meaningful to you, your essay will be more personal, engaging, and reflective of your true self.

2. Start Brainstorming Your Essay as Early as Possible

Begin brainstorming your essay as early as possible. Rushed essays often lack clear thoughts and structure. Taking your time allows you to create a well-thought-out, personal, and detailed essay that engages the reader from start to finish. Here are some brainstorming tips to get you started:

Brainstorming Tips:

  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Take some time to think about significant moments in your life. What experiences have shaped you? Consider both big events and small moments that have had an impact on you.

  • Think About Challenges You’ve Overcome: Consider any obstacles or challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them. What did you learn from these experiences? How have they shaped your character?

  • Consider Your Future Goals: Reflect on your aspirations and goals for the future. How have your experiences and interests guided you towards these goals? What steps have you taken to achieve them?

  • Discuss with Others: Talk to friends, family, teachers, or mentors about your ideas. Sometimes, discussing your thoughts with others can help clarify your ideas and provide new perspectives.

  • Evaluate and Select: After you have a list of potential topics, evaluate each one. Consider which topics you feel most passionate about, which ones allow you to share meaningful insights about yourself, and which ones align well with the essay prompts. Choose the topic that feels most compelling and authentic to you.

By starting the brainstorming process early, you’ll have plenty of time to refine your ideas and develop a strong, well-structured essay.

3. Write What You Want to Say, Not What Admissions Officers Want to Hear

When writing your college essay, it is crucial to focus on expressing your authentic self rather than tailoring your response to what you think admissions officers may want to hear. This approach ensures that your essay is genuine and truly reflective of your personality, experiences, aspirations, and ultimately, what is truly you. Admissions officers are skilled at detecting genuine passion and sincerity, and even more skilled at discerning authenticity from superficiality. When you write about a topic that you are passionate about, your enthusiasm will shine, making your essay more memorable. At the end of the day, college essays are about self-reflection and showing what is important to you. Make sure the story is yours to tell, and make sure that it is interesting!

4. Write Multiple Drafts of Your Essay

Writing multiple drafts of your essay will help you refine your ideas. As you progress through your essay drafts, you will discover which approach you will want to take with your essay. You will realize where your essay’s strengths and weaknesses lie and will learn how to address them with each round of edits. Also, having a teacher, counselor, or peer edit your essay alongside you will help you hone your writing skills and polish your personal narrative.

5. Read Sample College Essays to Prepare Yourself

By reading sample college essays, you are studying effective writing and learning how to employ effective techniques to use in your own writing. It would be especially beneficial to read essays written by those around you who have been accepted into their dream schools. While reading essays written by others, you may discover new perspectives and writing styles that you may wish to explore yourself. Take inspiration from other people’s writing, and use your newfound knowledge to improve your own.

6. “Show, Don’t Tell”

You have probably already heard of the phrase “show, don’t tell” from one of your English teachers. “Show, don’t tell” is important because showing in an essay creates a more vivid and immersive experience for the reader. Telling would mean simply straightforwardly stating facts or emotions, leaving no room for the reader to fill in the blanks with their own creativity and imagination. Showing involves providing the reader with specific examples, anecdotes, and sensory details that reveal more about your character, values, and perspectives.

  • Example of Telling: She was nervous for her first day of high school.

  • Example of Showing: As she walked through the school gates, her palms grew damp as she stuffed them into her pockets. She avoided eye contact with the bustling crowd of students, her gaze fixed on the ground. With each step, her heart raced, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling in her chest.

The example of telling does not evoke as much reaction from the reader as the example of showing does. Showing helps the reader paint a picture of the scene by offering specific details and evoking emotions.

7. Be Creative and Showcase Your Voice

While it is important to distinguish oneself, your college essay is not just about standing out; it’s about presenting a genuine and compelling narrative that reflects your individuality. Your essay is an opportunity to express yourself authentically and leave a lasting positive impression on admissions officers. You want your admissions officers to remember you by your essay.

8. Make Sure Your Essay Answers the Prompt

It is important to carefully read the essay prompt and make sure you understand what you are being asked to answer. Identify the main topic and any specific questions or themes you need to address. Make sure you do not stray too off-topic and go off on tangents in your essay. It is also helpful to create several different outlines for each essay prompt. The more options you have, the easier it will be to find the perfect one to expand on.

9. Read Your Essay Aloud

Reading your essay aloud will allow you to notice any sentences that sound a little awkward or unclear. It will also help you see if your sentences are too long or too short, and if your sentences flow smoothly into each other. Additionally, by reading out loud, it will be easier for you to catch any typos or grammatical mistakes. If possible, read your essay aloud to someone else. Your audience can help you determine if the tone of your essay is appropriate and if there are certain areas you should clarify, remove, and/or emphasize for impact.

10. Ask Someone Else to Proofread Your Essay

Have someone else proofread your essay before submitting it. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed and provide feedback on the overall tone and flow. Here’s a list of people you might consider asking to proofread your essay:

Who to Ask for Proofreading:

  • English Teacher: An English teacher can provide valuable insights into grammar, punctuation, and overall writing quality. They can also help ensure your essay is clear and coherent.

  • College Counselor: A college counselor has experience with college applications and can offer specific advice on how to improve your essay to make it more compelling for admissions officers.

  • Peers: Friends or classmates can offer peer feedback and help you understand how your essay might be perceived by someone your age.

  • Older Siblings or Relatives: Older siblings or relatives who have gone through the college application process can provide useful advice based on their own experiences.

  • Professional Editor or Tutor: If possible, consider hiring a professional editor or tutor who specializes in college essays. They can offer expert advice on how to polish your essay.

By asking a diverse group of people to proofread your essay, you can gain a variety of perspectives and ensure your

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