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July 20 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm JST

*This event will be held in Japanese (English translation below)



  • 独自のストーリー: 他の競争者に差をつける唯一無二のエッセイの書き方を伝えます。そして、出願者を際立たせる「何か」を見つける方法を伝授します。
  • 基礎を超えたスキル: 合格につながるエッセイは典型的な五段落構成や達成事項のリスト、標準的な学校の作文とは異なります。物語や詩のように、生き生きとした描写や、読者の想像力をかき立てるようなエピソードなどを書きましょう。
  • トピックの選び方: 魅力的なテーマの選び方や、ありふれたテーマ、避けるべきデリケートなテーマについて考えます。自分のパッションやバックグラウンドをエッセイに取り入れ、読者を引きつける方法を伝授します。
  • 創作工程の説明: ブレインストームから最終編集まで、あなたがどんな人かがわかるエッセイを書くために必要な工程を学びましょう。エッセイは繰り返し何度も修正を重ねることで完成します。際立つエッセイを書くには、少なくとも20時間はかかると考えておいてください。
  • 効果的な戦略とヒント: 鮮明なディテールを取り入れて、読者を初めから惹きつけましょう。ただ話を淡々と説明するのではなく、読者がまるで自分で物語を体験しているかのように感じさせるエッセイを書くのです。注意を引く最初の一文や、具体的で驚きのある要素を使って、読者の関心を持続させる方法を伝えます。
  • 振り返りと成長: これまでの経験が自分にどのような影響を与えたか、そして将来の抱負をエッセイにまとめましょう。



日時: 7月20日(土)午後3:00 JST

講師: シニア受験コンサルタント 大久保 貴

場所: 東京アカデミックス 西麻布(6階) + オンライン(Zoom)


Taka Okubo は受賞歴のあるフィクション作家です。プリンストン大学で哲学の学位を取得し、インディアナ大学で創作文学の修士号を取得しています。彼の詩やストーリーはBeloit Poetry Journal、The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts、The Ledge Poetry & Fiction Magazine、Day Oneで出版されています。彼の作品(フィクションと詩)は、権威あるPushcart Prizeにノミネートされています。彼はプライベートおよび大学レベルでの豊富な教育経験を持ち、9年以上のエッセイ指導経験があり、TAの出願エッセイ指導部門を7年間率いてきました。


Crafting the perfect college application essay is an art form—a chance to showcase your unique story, personality, and aspirations. At our free July College Talks workshop, you’ll learn why your college essay should be more than just words on a page; it’s your ticket to standing out in a sea of applicants. With competition for college admissions growing fiercer every year, your essay is a vital component of your application, giving voice to your dreams and grounding your academic achievements in your personal experiences.

Discover How to Make Your College Application Essay Shine:

  • Unlock Your Unique Story: We’ll guide you through identifying what makes you stand out. Can someone else, especially your peers, write something similar? If the answer is yes, it’s time to dig deeper.
  • Craft Beyond the Basics: Learn why successful essays don’t follow the typical five-paragraph rule, list achievements, or resemble your standard school essays. Think storytelling, think poetry, think vivid imagery.
  • Topics to Tackle (and Avoid): Navigate through choosing compelling subjects while steering clear of overdone narratives and sensitive topics. Discover how to turn unique obsessions, origin stories, and unconventional interests into captivating essays.
  • The Writing Process Decoded: From brainstorming to final edits, understand the stages of crafting an essay that captures who you are. We emphasize the importance of revisions—expect to spend 20+ hours creating something truly stellar.
  • Effective Strategies and Tips: Incorporate vivid details, hook your readers from the start, and show rather than tell your story. Get insights into drafting opening lines that grab attention and using specific, surprising elements to keep it.
  • Reflections and Personal Growth: Learn how to weave in reflections that convey the impact of your experiences and your aspirations for the future, ensuring your essay comes full circle.

This workshop is designed for any high school student poised to navigate the increasingly complex college application process. Whether you’re just starting to brainstorm or you’re polishing your final draft, our expert guidance will equip you with the tools to craft an essay that resonates with admissions officers and truly reflects who you are.

Join us and transform your college application essay from a daunting task into an exciting opportunity to share your unique journey and aspirations. Sign up now and take the first step toward making your college application unforgettable!

When: Saturday, July 20th at 3:00 PM JST

Who: Senior Admissions Consultant Taka Okubo

Where: Tokyo Academics Nishi-Azabu (6F) + Online (Zoom)

About Taka:

Taka Okubo is an award-winning fiction writer. A graduate of Princeton with a philosophy degree, he holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Indiana University. His poetry and stories have been published by Beloit Poetry Journal, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, The Ledge Poetry & Fiction Magazine, and Day One. His works, both fiction and poetry, have been nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize. In addition to his extensive teaching experience both privately and at the university level, he has 9+ years of essay counseling experience and led the Application Essay Counseling Division at TA for seven years.

Taka’s students have gained admissions to elite universities including Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Oxford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Duke, and more


July 20
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm JST


Tokyo Academics – Nishiazabu 6F
Japan, 〒106-0031 Tokyo, Minato City, Nishiazabu, 3 Chome−24−17 西麻布広瀬ビル + Google Map

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