Private Lessons

Pair up with one of our expert tutors to learn at your own pace in a way that suits you.
We adapt to your specific needs to optimize your academic performance!

Personalized Approach

Flexible Scheduling

Accelerated Improvement

What Tutoring is Like at Tokyo Academics

Benefits of Private Lessons


Address Knowledge Gaps


Build Fundamentals


Accelerated Learning

How it Works

1. Begin the Conversation

Fill out our contact form to schedule an initial diagnostic lesson or discuss other options depending on your preferences.

2. Attend Your Free Trial

Have a trial lesson with a tutor to see how we work.

3. Build Your Schedule

Schedule your sessions based on the customized plan we built for you.

Ready to Improve Your Grades?

Complete our contact form and get started with a FREE trial!

Why Tokyo Academics

Top Tutors

We can say with confidence that our tutors, hailing from all over the world and with diverse experiences and backgrounds, are truly the best of the best!

Strategies That Work

Tests are changing, and a big part of test prep is learning how to take the test. Let us help you master the strategies needed for success.

Personalized Planning

We’ll help you build a rigorous plan around your academic goals and constantly make adjustments based on your progress.

Results Oriented

At the end of the day, our number one goal is to help you get the results you need!

Meet our tutors

Hear from our students

SAT® and AP® are trademarks owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse Tokyo Academics

Ready to get started?

Complete our contact form by following the link below or contact us directly.
Email  or give us a call at 050-6868-2121

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Enroll today and make this summer count!